Thursday 12 August 2010


In this lecture we looked at the modern form of blogging and how it is changing means of communication and opinion altogether. The word blog was made with combining the words web and log which gives its meaning of logging details on the web. Blogging has become much more interesting and exciting with mediums like facebook and twitter introducing a different aspect of blogging such as micro blogging.

Blogs such as what I’m doing now usually consist of regular entries of comments, remarks and opinions together with material such as images, graphics, videos and also links to other web pages or other peoples blogs which relate to the same subject. Blogging is no longer just textual based it can involve just videos like those who blog on ‘Youtube’ for example...Safe Kids/Hot Cars: Never Leave Your Child Alone

Reason blogs are becoming popular is because they are a yet another means of communication as people are able to interact with you via each blog you post by leaving comments and views which in my opinion really breaks out of the norm.

People use blogs for personal reasons such as logging an online diary as well as those used for more professional news based blogging.

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