Thursday 12 August 2010


News is the gathering, compiling and presenting of a message so that it reaches its audience in a time limit in which it is still valid, effective and relevant. News always has to be fresh to meet its demonstrate value.

News can come in so many different forms from formal news like that we see on the television by networks such as ‘Sky News’ and ‘Fox’ or that which appear in correspondence such as newspapers or just that of word of mouth.

The invention of writing was that which made that of delivering news what it is today. Technology transmission was that which allowed newspapers to be created. Newspapers allowed people to read regularly published new which also included a range of other stories.

There are many different varieties of delivering news to people nowadays from reporters to news networks. It’s not only the professionals who deliver news it’s also transmitted via blogs, peer to peer transmission like on social websites.
Scribal Transmissioncomputer mediated gossip

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