Thursday 12 August 2010

visual Interface: Colours

Who thought that colour was so important in what we see on websites; well I know for sure that before I had a lecture on it I didn’t.

Colours play a big role in everyday life as well in the making of websites. Colours can change the way people things always as certain colours are associated with meaning certain things like red for danger and green for ‘go’ for example.

There are primary colours which consist of reds, yellows and blues. Secondary colours which consist of the primary colours being combined i.e. orange, purple and green. And of course tertiary colours which are the primary colours added to the adjacent secondary ones.

By combining the primary, secondary and tertiary colours together you get the colour wheel which is split into the triad colour scheme, the analogous colour scheme and the complimentary colour scheme.

This all sounds pretty confusing by with a diagram it will definitely make more sense.

“Triad colour scheme organizes colours in regard to purity.” EW Design

I now know that choosing the correct colour palette for a website is as significant as having the right information.

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